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En el Ala Siniestra del Colobri


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La cultura de los conquistadores trato de mostrar una imagen, de los conquistados, esta imagen ha prevalecido, con el tiempo. los pueblos conquistados era sanguinarios, ignorantes e inferiores. Hoy vemos necesario reeconocer y revalorar a los pueblos y las culturas indigenas, como un universo inagotable en cuanto a belleza y sabiduria, la forma en que ellos entedian la vida y la muerte. Esta forma de enterder y describir al mundo no es mejor, ni peor, que las otras, pero si diferente y eso debe de tener un valor universal aqui y ahora.

The culture of the Spanish conquerors tries to show an image of the conquered, which has prevailed over time: that the people they conquered were bloodthirsty, ignorant and below the Spaniards. Today it is necessary to recognize, as well as reassess, the people and Indigenous cultures as an inexhaustible universe of beauty and wisdom. It is necessary to recognize the way in which they understand life and death. This way to understand and describe the world is not better or worse, just different, and that must have universal value here and now.