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Firebrands: Activists You Didn’t Learn About in School

Justseeds Collaboration

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These American heroes hail from Canada to Chile and everywhere in between, from the 1500s to today. Instead of the powerful, rich, white folks focused on in school textbooks, these gorgeous portraits with accompanying biographies recognize the work of grassroots organizers, revolutionaries, visionaries, anarchists, workers, and artists. These heroes put their bodies and souls into fighting injustice and making their communities better and often gave their lives for the causes they believed in. Each story is vividly illustrated, offering a radical glimpse of how individuals can work to change the world.

These beautifully illustrated field guide to history showcases radicals, dissidents, folk singers, and rabble-rousers, from Emma Goldman to Tupac, Pablo Neruda to Fred Hampton.

As say editors Shaun Slifer and Bec Young in the introduction, the book is for

"...anyone who has sat trembling with frustration and disappointment in a history class that was neither stimulating nor inclusive. It's for those tired of hauling to classes heavy textbooks that have been carefully removed of anything interesting or useful. It's for all our ancestors, especially those misrepresented in those textbooks, left out because they were too brown, too female, too poor, too queer, too uneducated, too disabled, or because they daydreamed too much."

This is a real people's history, a book packed with dynamite, desire, and above all, courage!

Justseeds contributors include: Alec "Icky" Dunn, Mary Tremonte, Colin Matthes, Chris Stain, Melanie Cervantes, Josh MacPhee, Meredith Stern, Kevin Caplicki, Kristine Virsis, Roger Peet, Molly Fair, Erik Ruin, Favianna Rodriguez, Jesus Barraza, Nicolas Lampert, Fernando Marti, Jesse Purcell, Dylan Miner, Pete Yahnke Railand, Shaun Slifer, and Bec Young.

First edition published by Microcosm Publishing in 2010
Second edition published by Microcosm Publishing in 2023

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