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Marcellus Shale Earth First! & Kevin Caplicki


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Marcellus Shale Earth First! is a network of Earth First!ers in the Northeast US, geographically united by the underlying Marcellus Shale formation and united in the struggle to stop fracking, a region-wide terror. They use tactics like tree-sitting, lockdowns, and equipment occupation to halt fracking operations and are committed to a NO COMPROMISE approach to end drilling everywhere.

These are overprints from the We Are the Storm portfolio we produced in 2015 in collaboration with Culture Strike.

Printed by Jesse Purcell/Repetitive Press (Toronto, ON).

Art to End Fossil Fuels

Art to End Fossil Fuels

September 12, 2023

Justseeds friend David Solnit shared this project and video about a climate justice poster project that is timed with the September climate mobilizations and march planned for New York City…