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Free West Papua



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This print was created to bring more awareness to the West Papuan struggle for liberation from Indonesian military occupation.

The image depicts Nduga IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) as they are being classified by organizers and journalists. The saying written is a common one of the struggle: “Kami Bukan Merah Putih, tetapi Kami Bintang Kejora” which means in Indonesian “We are not Red and White, We are the Morning Star”. This saying refers to denouncing the colors of the Indonesian flag and upholding the West Papuan flag that has a star. The plants throughout the background are yam leaves. Yams are a staple food as the heart of the West Papuan people and many varieties are grown there. Any profits from this print will be sent directly to support Nduga IDPs in West Papua.

To donate directly to Solidarity For Nduga IDP support you can transfer money to this bank account of Tim Relawan Kemanusiaan Untuk Pengunsi Nduga (Human Rights Volunteer Team for Nduga IDPs): Bank Mandiri 154-0015547676.

Read more about West Papua in Saiyare Refaei's blog post.