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Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp

Greg Mihalko


Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp was a series of protest camps established to protest US and UK nuclear weapons being placed at RAF Greehham Common in Berkshire, England. Women for Life on Earth, a Welsh peace group, marched from Wales to Greenham in September 1981 in protest against the decision of the British government to allow cruise missiles to be stored at Greenham. Realizing that the march alone was not going to garner enough attention to have the missiles removed, some began to stay on the site to continue their protest, starting with 36 women chaining themselves to the base fence. The first blockade of the base occurred in March 1982 with 250 women protesting, during which 34 arrests were made. Through various actions, evictions, and reconvenings, the camp was active for 19 years and disbanded in 2000.

(The symbols on the poster are reproduced from the February 1983 issue of the Women's Peace Camp Newsletter.)

This CPH poster printed at the worker-owned and union-run Community Printers, Santa Cruz, CA.

This is #162 in the Celebrate People’s History Poster Series.

Greg Mihalko is a multi-disciplinary designer, artist, and activist living in Brooklyn, NY. He is a founder of Partner & Partners, a worker-owned design practice in New York City focusing on print, exhibition, interactive, and identity work.

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