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Healthcare is a Basic Human Right



Only 1 left in stock

This is an image I created in 2006(?) after reading about Maude Caullen, a nurse and midwife in South Carolina for over 60 years. In 1951 W. Eugene Smith published a photo essay with her which was published in Time Magazine. You can read about her at this link.

She provided loving, excellent care and helped birth over 600-800 babies throughout her life. She worked in rural areas with extremely limited resources. She is an inspiring heroine of healthcare. I wanted to honor her legacy as a midwife by highlighting her in this print emphasizing the necessity of healthcare for all.

This is a one color linoleum block print, on mulberry paper.  The paper is very thin and a bit wrinkly. It's an old block so the printing is inconsistent, lots of inconsistencies in the printing of the lines. Edition of 10 prints, signed.

The text says: Healthcare is a basic human right.

More than 40 million Americans have no health insurance.

40 million more are under-insured.

40 million more have substandard care.

Accessible and affordable healthcare- all humans deserve to be healthy!!

Printed on ultra-thin Mulberry paper which retains some irregularities from the process of printing entirely by hand (not on a press).


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