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Indigenous Rights = Climate Justice

So Quimbita


Victory for the Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku vs. Ecuador

In 2002, the battle for land rights escalated when the Ecuadorian government violated the Sarayaku people by allowing a private oil company to drill and bring 14,300kg of explosives onto Indigenous land with military escort.

This prompted a state of emergency for the Sarayaku, as this not only endangers the community but disrupts their culture, rooted in sumak kawsay, a philosophy that enables all human beings to live in full harmony with the environment.

After a decade of both official complaints and peaceful protests, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights ruled in favor of the Sarajaku people, recognizing their right to be consulted in any decision regarding their territory, and that their opinion is binding.

This court decision celebrates a victory amidst a 22-years-long fight for land rights for the Sarayaku people and sets a precedent for future cases recognizing Indigenous rights and providing reparations.

This CPH poster printed at the worker-owned and union-run Community Printers, Santa Cruz, CA.

This is #193 in the Celebrate People’s History Poster Series.