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Inter-Asia Woodcut Mapping III: Institution and Beyond

Inter-Asia Woodcut Mapping Group


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The third issue in the Inter-Asia Woodcut Mapping series focuses on the idea of "institution" as to explore the relationship between self-organized practice and official institution. In the context of contemporary art, the term institution generally refers to art galleries, exhibitions, or art organizations run by the government or large-scale capital. Yet, from a conceptual level, it can also refer to a way of organization or existing ideologies that constructs intangible power in the society. Here, is the self-organized woodcut practice and "institution“ an absolute binary relationship, or is it complementing each other?



Self-Questioning of the Editorial Team –– Institution and Beyond //Editorial Team  


Notes on “Institution”: Begin with the Chinese Modern Woodcut Movement //LI Ding 


Militant Woodcuts: A History of How Woodcuts in Taiwan Turned Right //CHEN Wei-lun


Differences in Perspective: Observations on the Organization of Woodcut Collectives in Asia // Krystie NG 


Exhibition Review of The Budding of the Postwar Woodcut Art Movement: Iino Nobuya and Nii Hiroharu //Ai KANO


Get High Together: Interview on the Practice of Self-publishing and Community Building by Prickly Paper //LEE Chun Fung, Krystie NG



Curation on Paper: Woodcut In-Situ

Published by Inter-Asia Woodcut Mapping Group

Edition: March 2024 (2nd edition)

Language: Chinese and English