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Keep Loving Keep Fighting – Your Heart is a Muscle the Size of Your Fist

Dalia Shevin

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The love in us that spurs us to act is explosively powerful and tender. Every way each of us expresses that love is unique and irreplaceable.

I carved this image--my first print-- at my kitchen table in the fall of 1999, listening to news of the WTO protests on Democracy Now. The phrase popped into my head and rang me like a bell. It seemed like the most obvious and most important thing I wanted to share with this world, today more urgently than ever before.

Shout love, whisper love, let love fuel us, sustain us, and bring us joy. There are a million stories and meanings to this art that people have embraced all around the world, most of which I'll never know. If it's meant something to you, I am so honored, and I thank you for all that you have done and will do to resist and survive. Be brave, and take care.

New edition printed by Andrea Narno at Babyland in Pittsburgh, PA July 2019.

Check out this new 2019 screenprint from Dalia, Tú Perteneces / You Belong

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