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La Lucha Continúa

Gráfica de Lucha

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El 2 de mayo de 2014, en un ataque paramilitar en la comunidad de La Realidad, Chiapas, uno de los bastiones zapatistas, fue matado a balazos y machetazos el maestro zapatista Galeano. El 24 de mayo siguiente, se realizó un homenaje. Como Gráfica de Lucha hicimos la convocatoria gráfica “Justicia Galeano” para realizar imágenes en torno a este homenaje. Esta imagen es una de las enviadas como respuesta a la convocatoria. Ese 24 de mayo el Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos se declaró finado, y nació el Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano en honor al fallecido. En esta imagen diseñada por Rebelion Graf se muestra a los dos subcomandantes zapatistas y la frase “Galeano vive”.

On May 2, 2014, in a paramilitary attack against the Zapatista community of La Realidad, the Zapatista teacher Galeano was shot and hacked to death. On May 24 of the following year a tribute to Galeano took place. Gráfica de Lucha launched a callout for graphics “Justice for Galeano” to convene images for the tribute. This image is one of the ones sent in response to the callout. On the same May 24, Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos declared himself dead and gone, and Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano was born in honor of the deceased. This image, designed by Rebelión Graf, shows the two Zapatista subcommanders and the phrase, “Galeano Lives”.

Gráfica de Lucha is a decntralized, mobile studio/printshop that produces graphic images about social movement struggles and resistance.

Art for the People

Art for the People

May 1, 2024

…Our panel on Saturday morning “Art for the People: Sustaining Community Practices from the 60s to the Future,” was composed of Diane Fujino, a. e. hunt, Justseeds artists: Kill Joy, Jess X. Snow, and (myself) Saiyare Refaei, and moderated by Chad Shomura. We wanted to share living proof of how radical collective imagination shows up in the art and cinema within social movements…

Seattle’s International Working Women’s Day for Palestine and Beyond

Seattle’s International Working Women’s Day for Palestine and Beyond

March 12, 2024

“We stand in solidarity with our Palestinian siblings in Gaza and those among our community who are directly and indirectly affected by the current war and genocide by the Israeli settler-colonial regime. Passive observation of the horrors of bombings, genocide, and prolonged apartheid is not our way. We must rise and firmly proclaim that Palestinian Liberation is a Feminist Imperative.” – Feminists for Jina Seattle