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Out of Stock

Out of stock

I keep thinking of the disastrous effects human activity has on the planet and its inhabitants, and knowing that humans have done little to make a significant change in how we operate in this current world we've created. I think it’s hugely important that we see ourselves as part of, not separate from, nature, and with that in mind we must find ways to live that are not destructive to that which sustains us.  To face the oncoming challenges we will need work together, make change together.

So it has to be NOW, now is the time, or there may be no time left for us.

More by Pete Railand

Posts by Pete Railand

A Time of Expectant Hopes

A Time of Expectant Hopes

October 24, 2019

“A Time of Expectant Hopes,” a collaboration between Pete Railand and Jenna Valoe, including works inspired by 19th century union banners, suffragist banners, and modern day activist banners. Opening Friday…