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Paletero Muerto


Out of Stock

Out of stock

With a child always excited by the appearance of the paletero carts in our barrio (and in front of his school), and having to fend off the high-fructose corn syrup and transfat, I wanted to make a commentary on this, but without insulting the hard-working paleteros (and remembering how much I loved ice cream sandwiches, my favorites, as a kid). My response: "Para los muertos solo lo mejor - puro organico, sin jarabes de alta fructosa y sin transgenicos..."

For the dead, only the best!


Palestina – no te olvidamos

Palestina – no te olvidamos

January 3, 2025

My justseeds comrade Jess asks me, “What inspires your art?” We’ve been brainstorming ideas for a children’s picture book, with murals as a kind of portal connecting children between places…

Gratitude for Nail Houses

Gratitude for Nail Houses

November 10, 2022

We think sometimes that cities are defined by their castles and towers, their highways and skyscrapers. But they are also defined by their exceptions: their nail houses and holdouts, scavenged…