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RadioActivity! Antinuclear Movements from Three Mile Island to Fukushima

Interference Archive


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In October 2012 the Interference Archive collaborated with the activist and research group Todos Somos Japon to produce the exhibition "RadioActivity! Antinuclear Movements from Three Mile Island to Fukushima." The exhibit featured over 100 pieces of antinuclear movement culture (posters, photographs, buttons, t-shirts, patches, banners, and publications) from the 60s, 70s, and 80s, as well as the contemporary culture developing as part of the protest movement in Japan post-Fukushima.

This booklet/map is the inaugural publication in Interference Archive's "Interference Documents" publication series, designed to coincide with exhibitions and activities at the Archive while also being able to exist on their own.

This booklet contains information about the "RadioActivity!" exhibition, 26 short texts about the history of nuclear power ans the movements against it, and 9 images of antinuclear posters and publications featured in the show. It also folds out into a large scale map of the nuclear facilities in the US and Canada, which is intended to be a tool for antinuclear activists to use today.

Art to End Fossil Fuels

Art to End Fossil Fuels

September 12, 2023

Justseeds friend David Solnit shared this project and video about a climate justice poster project that is timed with the September climate mobilizations and march planned for New York City…