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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies



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I started this print about in 2002, I drew my image on the block and never knew what else to add. During the pandemic I've made time to work on some lino’s and thought it would be nice to finish this piece. I didn't know what to add so I asked Instagram for help. @huarachesverdes came with the perfect addition “Real Eyes Realize Real Lies.” A quote from Tupac Shakur which reads "Don't believe everything you hear: Real eyes, Realize, Real lies” and speaks to the lies of US history tells Black and Brown people about their place in this country. Having us believe that we have the right to freedom, education and equality, but these are things that are so far out of reach. Institutional racism keeps black and brown people in an oppressed state where the system makes it extremely difficult for people to determine their own future. As we recognize the lies this country has told we start to recognize there is another way of understanding our place in this world and start thinking about ways to organize and make sure that others understand the lies we are being taught.



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