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Out of Stock

Out of stock

This is a print to honor the peoples who exist in conversation with all the beings on earth. Those connected humans that teach how to live in harmony,  through the way in which they listen, then act.  You are an inspiration and a reflection of what is possible in a seemingly impossible time.


More by Thea Gahr

Posts by Thea Gahr

UPRISE youth activism camp

UPRISE youth activism camp

July 26, 2021

What unites us is a spirit of transformation and struggle…We aspire to a better world, a more just world, a more human world, a world where real equality and social…

Street Books

Street Books

September 21, 2012

I’m so inspired by this project taking place in Portland, Oregon. Street Books is a bicycle-powered mobile library for people living outside. It is bicycle with a built in cart…