We've had these hidden away on a shelf for a couple years now, and finally dug them up and got them in the shop!
This is the amazing "Publishing the Struggle" issue of the internationalist politics/architecture/culture magazine The Funambulist. This is a fabulous issue packed with material on political publishing across the globe, both from previous generations of struggle and today. Highlights include articles on European publishers censoring information during the Algerian Revolution; Indigenous periodicals from the Pacific Islands; the international reach of The Black Panther; Métagraphes: a young, decolonial, feminist, and queer publishing house; the 1970s/80s Bulletin of the Popular Front for Liberation of Palestine; and an article by Justseeds' own Josh MacPhee about the design of Cuba's OSPAAAL and Tricontinental bulletin.
This publication originally came out in 2019, but it is as fresh today as it was two years ago!