This was a collage originally; I made it right after I heard that a town I had called home for 8 years was under several feet of toxic flooded water. It sat hidden in my studio for a few years and I just dug it out. In the context today of the collapsing market, this print's meaning expands...and I am also thinking a lot about what I want a better world to look like, and gardening and growing and relearning, and recycling, and growing from rubble; the cycle of life and death really strikes me right now. I realized that the Durruti quote seemed to connect some of what I was thinking and feeling when I made that collage to what I've been thinking about recently, and that with fewer words and more line, texture and color, maybe this print is the closest I have come at the moment to expressing some of these jumbled thoughts. I've also been reading some of Ursula M. Franklin's book Pacifism as a Map and the way she talks about justice, peace, and technology also really connects with me. This is a 4 color process print from a multiple layered and colored print collage. On a nice creamy mid-weight paper.