sin ser lo que buscabas, terminaste siendo todo lo que necesito. Havana, Cuba. February 8, 2019
(without being what you were looking for, you ended up being everything I need)
sin ser lo que buscabas, terminaste siendo todo lo que necesito. Havana, Cuba. February 8, 2019
(without being what you were looking for, you ended up being everything I need)
Stop 4 Turtles. New Paltz, NY. September 2024 🐢 Turtle Crossing. New Paltz, NY. September 2024 Slow Down 🐢. New Paltz, NY. September 2024 Turtle🐢X-ing. New Paltz, NY. September 2024…
Sharing an interview that initially aired on Radio Al Hara recently. I spoke with the tireless organizer and fellow traveler, Stefan Christoff, about graphic work in solidarity with social movements….
Handmade sign made of different colored tape providing directions away from a residential area to state roads.
DO NOT DRIVE ON SIDEWALK. Portland, OR. August 2022. Thanks to Roger Peet for this contribution to the DIYDPW series! DIYDPW is a frequent, irregular blog post highlighting global examples…