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Sign Painting

November 5, 2015

I made this sign for the local needle exchange and learned three things:

  1. Sign painting is difficult
  2. Planning is important
  3. Cheap paint looks like cheap paint

On point 2, I thought I would improvise/wing the text at the bottom and ended up with a jumbled looking mess. I ended up having to take sandpaper to it and start over. Then used some math and a ruler to plot out what would fit and keep it looking organized. Overall I am happy with it, and it gave me new respect for the working sign painters.

The sign sits in the lobby of Prevention Point Pittsburgh, a place where I’ve volunteered regularly for the last four plus years. As I’m getting ready to move away it will be one of the main things I miss about living here. PPP is a great organization! If you’re near SW Pennsylvania and need needles, works, testing, or wound care drop on by:

Every Sunday
Oakland (Pittsburgh)
Noon – 3:00 p.m.
3441 Forbes Ave.

Every Wednesday
Hill District (Pittsburgh)
1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Find White Van at intersection of:
Bentley Dr. and Kirkpatrick St.





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