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Sounds of the Week #2

June 20, 2013

Welcome to the second installment of the Justseeds music related blog post “Sounds of the Week”.

Sound Notes from Pete:
True Widow
Maybe Dallas is a really awesome town, my only recollections of it are from touring through there, playing a pretty amazing warehouse in South Dallas that had little else surrounding it but a drive through liquor store and a restaurant called Chicken and Things (I definitely remember that). So hearing this band was from Dallas piqued my interest, wondering just what would come out of this city. Upon first hearing True Widow a year or so ago I was drawn to the low end tone of the guitar and the plodding rhythm the band so quickly settles into, but I forgot about them after I quickly compared them to what an updated heavy version of Jesus and Mary Chain might sound like, or if My Bloody Valentine actually came back and updated their sound for a stoner rock crowd. I’ve recently sat down with their recordings again and the smoothness of their sound has really sunk in, like a humid summer evening walk down a dirt country road….
So here’s True Widow, epic, heavy, drone, shoegaze whatever you call it from Dallas Texas, I’ve been constantly listening to them the past week. I’m not sure if I this is a band who’s music will stick with me for the long haul but I sure have been liking it lately.

Also if I get a chance to drive to Madison on the 24th Jesse Sykes will be playing. If you haven’t had a chance to hear her you NEED to. She has an incredible voice, and stage presence. Her music is dark and ethereal; maybe even country…

Sound Notes From Bec:
Last year I got obsessed with this band from Kenya, simply called Just A Band. Their songs are fun, have strong beats, and give me energy to keep going when I’m working on a big project, printing a long run, or just cleaning the house. One of my favorites is the song Huff and Puff, which has the most entertaining music video maybe ever. I believe one of the band members is a filmmaker and makes their videos. Usinibore is one of their more political tunes. Meaning something like “don’t bore me,” it’s the young people’s response to their parents telling them nothing will ever change. It’s definitely time to roll up some sleeves, as they say.

Culture & MediaInspiration

Posts by Pete Railand

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