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Sustainable Eating Online Zine- Call For Submissions

June 4, 2006

Sustainable Eating is an online zine exploring the connections between the food we eat and our personal, community and environmental health. Currently, Sustainable Eating is seeking submissions from writers, artists, activists, cooks, and gardeners for issues #4 & #5.
**Issue #4 (Fall/Winter 2006): Roots
Issue #4 will explore how food connects us to the land and to each other. How are you rooted to place by food? In what ways is your community connected through the production, harvest and sharing of food? What is the role of food in your personal, family, or ancestral roots? What root foods do you enjoy? What are the root causes of hunger, the exploitation of land, labor and animals, or other food injustices.
Deadline for Submissions: August 1, 2006
Issue Available Online: Fall/Winter 2006
**Issue #5 (Spring/Summer 2007): Unnatural Eating
Factory farms, GMOs, irradiated foods, hormones, seasonal foods available year-round, regional crops available world-wide, fast food diets, no-carb diets, microwaves, lunch breaks in front of your computer… in so many ways modern food production and eating patterns are far from natural. Analysis, critiques and alternatives to today’s unnatural food systems and diets are all welcome for this issue.
Deadline for Submissions: February 1, 2007
Issue Available Online: Spring/Summer 2007
All kinds of submissions are welcome, including: personal essays; news articles; feature stories; interviews; profiles of people, organizations and projects; artwork; and fiction. Sustainable Eating encourages you to interpret this theme in any way you wish, so please do not feel restricted to traditional concepts of the topic. If you are unsure about how your idea might fit with these themes, please feel free to contact Sustainable Eating with a proposal.
Please send your submissions, suggestions, feedback, and questions to:


2 comments on “Sustainable Eating Online Zine- Call For Submissions”

This is a great idea. Considering the fact that one big problem in our country is obesity I guess this is one great diet idea. To be figure conscious is not bad at all but it should come second to being food-conscious.
By the way, if Iā€™m going to send in photos related to this topic, are there any requirements? What size should it be? In what way should it be saved? What should be the file extension that would best fit your policies? And speaking of policies, where can we ā€“ interested photographers ā€“ get this information in order for us to send the right photo.
Thank you.

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