Tamir’s Campaign for Justice is a solidarity campaign with Samaria Rice focused on obtaining justice for Tamir Rice, her 12-year-old son who was fatally shot by Cleveland police in 2014. The campaign is asking people to sign and share their petition demanding the Department of Justice open the case against his killers Timothy Loehmann and Frank Garmback.
The time for Justice for Tamir Rice is now!
After four years of William Barr shelving the federal case against Cleveland Police officers Timothy Loehmann and Frank Garmback, there is a DoJ that says it committed to Civil Rights. Help urge the DoJ to immediately re-open the investigation, indict, and convict for the death of Tamir Rice by signing this petition and sharing it widely with your networks.
Your activism and solidarity with Samaria Rice is critical to winning convictions of the officers who took 12-year-old Tamir from this Earth.
Petition: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/justice-for-tamir-2021