Forest defenders protect all of life. Forests keep carbon out of the atmosphere, regulate weather and protect global biodiversity. Forests are vital for all of us, but consumer goods giants like Mondelēz International are fueling deforestation and rights violations all over the world.—Rainforest Action Network
On May 17th Rainforest Action Network (RAN) unfurled a massive parachute banner on the street in front of the Mondelēz’ global headquarters during its annual shareholders meeting. As the banner occupied the street in the gentrified Fulton Market District, RAN organizers delivered 156,361 petition signatures demanding that Mondelēz protect forests and forest defenders in Indonesia.
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The banner was based on the “Forest Defenders Protect All Life” design by the Indonesian art collective, Taring Padi from the Keep Forests Standing Justseeds and RAN graphics solidarity project. Working late into the night the day before the action, the banner was painted by RAN organizers and Justseeds members in Chicago.
Mondelēz International, the Oreo maker, is no stranger to controversy, from accusations of child labor and modern-day slavery in its supply chains to unlawfully discharging its own employees, to its latest concern: getting caught doing business with known forest-destroyer and rights-violator Royal Golden Eagle (RGE).

Rainforests are key to the survival. They sequester enough carbon to keep the planet 1°C cooler, generate life-sustaining rain, protect food systems, and form the cultural backbone of Indigenous communities who have stewarded the land for generations.
Despite these facts, Mondelēz International, continues to work with dirty suppliers like RGE and others connected to rainforest destruction and violating Indigenous rights—as in the case of the Pargamanan Bintang Maria community in North Sumatra.
It’s imperative both for people and planet that Mondelēz acts NOW to end its relationship with RGE.
You can support Rainforest Actions Networks campaign to end Mondelēz relationship RGE and other shady suppliers by signing this petition.
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