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Two Hundred and Seventy Seven Streetfights

July 13, 2009


The insurrection in Greece in December was a visible and mass expression of the social war that rages at all times and will continue until the destruction of all domination.
Thousands fought in the re-appropriated streets of the necropolis. Hundreds were arrested and, with exceptionally swift procedures, several were thrown in prison. Six of them still remain imprisoned up to this day. Because for those in power someone has to pay the price for the negation in practice shown by all of us against this decaying world.

There is an American comrade publishing news and accounts from Greece, currently, on the blog Two Hundred and 77 Street Fights. There are some reflections on the uprising from last winter, news of repression against immigrants, resistance to state repression, prisoner updates, Greek poetry, and excerpts from the first “proper” book about the December insurrection, Instead of a Conclusion. It is a resource for those who wish to read, in English, about the direction the struggle in Greece has gone since December.



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