at the Wassaic Project (Wassaic, NY) inconjuction with the No Misery Can Tell, No Word of Farewell exhibition
December 3, 2022 – March 18, 2023
Last Fall I was invited to the Wassiac Project in upstate New York, as an artist in residence. Right before Halloween and gearing up for the Thanksgiving season, I was inspired to take a critical look at this EastCoast idea of Americana. So I stuffed my pockets full of chalk, gathered up my on going theme of colonial aliens and headed off not too far from the historic Plymouth rock.
Mixing SciFi pop culture with historical space invaders I’m making a sharp critique on who is truly alien to this country. Pop-culture’s most notorious aliens like Darth Vader, the Predator, and Daleks are all decked out in their colonial garb as the are about to give thanks for all the stollen space of the Americas. Drawn with white chalk on to dark brown lends to the idea of brown people’s physical space being imposed upon by white lines of demarcation.

If you can’t make it to Wassaic to see the mural, there is a limited edition silkscreen print that is available at the Wassaic store: Click HERE Edition of 50, 17.75 in x 24 in White ink on Brown paper