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Gift Card



Is this a great gift idea?

Yeah, we think so! After all, shopping for art is a matter of taste. Why not let someone else pick out their favorite work?

How does it work?

Buy a gift card in one of the amounts listed above! If you select Digital, we'll send a gift code to your recipient, along with a message from you, immediately!

If you select a Paper card, we’ll hand-write all of the details into one of these beautiful cards designed by Justseeds’ own Andrea Narno, and we’ll pop it into a little brown envelope and mail it straight to your recipient! During checkout, enter your information in the ‘Billing Information’, and enter the recipient’s information in the ‘Shipping Information’. If you would rather have the gift card mailed to you so that you can hand it to them in person, that’s OK too: just mention this in the comments and we'll leave the card blank for you to fill out when it arrives.


What can the recipient do with it?

Gift certificates will have a unique code which is redeemable online in our shop online at!
They are not redeemable for Justseeds work found at one of our brick-n-mortar wholesale stockists, or at an event where a Justseeds member is selling our wares.


When will the card arrive?

We mail these cards with stamped USPS First Class mail, it will usually leave our office within 2 days from the time we receive your order, depending on general order volume. Count on a full week turnaround for the card to arrive to your giftee, just to be safe.


Can it be used + a coupon discount code, or during a sale?



How long does the gift certificate last?

Expiration date is set for one year from the date of purchase!


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