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Trans Power

Rommy Torrico

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This poster was created in November 2015, as part of the Trans Day of Resilience Art Project. It was made by Rommy Torrico in collaboration with The TransLatin@ Coalition. Torrico says “Being a part of this project is such a gift. As a trans individual and artist, I understand how necessary it is for the communities that are being marginalized to be the ones who are at the forefront of their own liberation. I’m excited to nourish these parts of my identity, to create community and to celebrate all my trans siblings in this struggle. This project also serves as a powerful reminder for me that our beautiful community exists in love and strength.”

Rommy Torrico is a DACAmented, queer, trans (non binary), nonwhite artist and activist born in Iquique, Chile and currently residing in the New York area. They have been involved in the (im)migrant rights struggle for several years and infuse much of their work with personal experience and the stories their community shares.

Trans Day of Resilience Art Project uses art and activism to celebrate trans people of color in their lives and leadership, not just in death. It is supported by Strong Families. Learn more at

This print is one of a set of eight posters created for the 2015 Trans Day of Resilience Art Project. The complete set is available here. The seven other posters included in the project are listed by artist: Micah Bazant, Wriply Marie Bennet, Adelina Cruz, Ebin Lee, Mojuicy, Ethan X. Parker, Bishakh Som, and Rommy Torrico.

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