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Abolition and Revolutionary Utopias call for art

July 21, 2020

Maximalist Magazine is compiling art for an upcoming publication. Here is info from their website:

email to submit

the revolutionary demos reappeared in the last week of May.

from the biblical concoction of state violence, social isolation, economic and political collapse, emerged a resolute chorus of voices nationwide, challenging the molten core of the United States imperialist power as we know it.

“Abolition and Revolutionary Utopias,” will be a collection that seeks to express, consolidate, and memorialize these voices through multiple artistic forms. we are calling for work that depicts how people have engaged with abolition over the past month and a half: both in the revolutionary action that will realize abolition, as well as the utopias that abolition will bring. 

we will accept poems, prose, photography, visual art, songs, and videos. we are hoping to publish and distribute these zines online and throughout various libraries and independent bookstores. email to submit for consideration. include a paragraph about who you are, and what you are submitting. as always: queer, trans, BIPOC to the front of the line. it is our responsibility to ensure that we dictate the narration of our own experiences. Aida Rose

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