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Apply! Anchor Archive 2009 Residency

December 17, 2008

I spent two weeks this Fall living in a shed at the Anchor Archive in Halifax, Nova Scotia as an Artist-in-Residence. Definitely one of the highlights of this year. The Anchor Archive is a zine library and independent media resource center, run out of a house in Halifax’s North End. The whole complex includes the Inkstorm Silkscreen Collective and the Crow’s Nest event space, where they hosted a skillshare series and other events dedicated to DIY living and culture. While there I presented a silkscreen workshop on multicolor registration, DJ-ed two danceparties, and made a zine with my friend Simone Roughouser. Halifax is a bit out-of-the-way, but what a gem of a place. What sweet people. And the ocean is but a 45-minute drive or 3-hour bike ride away!


above: roberts street social centre, shed residence at roberts street, mary mack in her zine nest in the crow’s nest

Special Announcement!
The Roberts Street Social Center is looking forward to another wonderful summer of RESIDENCIES!
Please email the anchor archive at the address below to receive the residency application. The two week long residencies run from June to September and applicants from out of town or out of province are given priority consideration. We are accepting applications until February 15th 2009. The application form provide a more thorough description of the residency program and requirements. If you have any questions or concerns about the application process please don’t hesitate to contact us, and please pass along this information to anyone who may be interested.
Here’s to your brilliant, inspiring, critical creativity!
roberts street social centre
(902) 446-1788
5684 Roberts Street
Halifax N.S. B3K 1J6


Posts by Mary Tremonte