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Artist Call: 101 Damnations

March 29, 2009

This just fell into the inbox:

angry artworks is looking for submissions from artists / visual creators for an exhibition/publication in 2010. 101 Damnations will be a collection of detourned/re-appropriated/subverted imagery based on logos, graphics and slogans which attacks, belittles, challenges, identifies, mocks, questions, satirises and generally scorns capitalism and neoliberal globalisation in its various forms – from greedy corporations, polluting industries and war profiteering enterprises to sweatshop encouraging companies, union busting businesses and media manipulating multinationals… etc! Although this project is about a visual reaction to the forces of capitalism it is also a resource for those trying to understand it and fight it – so it is hoped each image (or group of images) will have an accompanying weblink to a resource – e.g. an organisation, a solidarity campaign, reading materials, documentation of previous struggles or current direct actions…
Guidelines and Specifications
* This project is open to all artists / visual creators – students, self trained, ‘professional’ or ‘amateur’.
* Work can be made in any medium, not necessarily computer generated – as long as it is submitted as a 2D still digital file – (i.e. a scan of a drawing).
* Images should be 300 dpi and no smaller than 100mm x 100mm.
* All artwork should be saved and sent as rgb or b+w digital files in one of the following file formats – jpeg, tiff, psd, pdf, eps.
* Work can be new or existing, previously exhibited or not.
* You can send multiple submissions – (If multiple images are to be viewed as a set please send as one submission, otherwise send as separate e-mails).
* Please indicate if you want the work to be attributed to your name, a pseudonym or for it to be marked as anonymous.
* All work should be marked as no copyright, anti-copyright, copyleft, creative commons or copyright of the artist.
* Each submission should have an accompanying URL – an up to date link to a web page – this resource link can be directly or indirectly linked to the image – (There are some samples below).
* There is no entry fee, no funding available and no prizes.
* First deadline – 31st August 2009.
* Send submissions to – please put ‘101 damnations’ in the subject to ensure e-mails are received.
* Angry artworks and invited selectors will decide the final artwork to be used in this project – this will be based on all the work submitted. As we are looking for a broad cross section of work covering the 101 Damnations theme we may not be able to use all work sent in. This does not necessarily have a bearing on the quality of the individual work submitted.
* All artists will be informed if work is going to be used or not.
* We regret we will not be able to enter into a dialogue with you regarding work which is not accepted.
* Initially all work accepted will form an online web exhibition.
* It is also planned to have a physical exhibition and/ or publication of the works sometime in 2010.
* All artists will be sent information regarding any exhibitions and a copy of any publications produced.


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