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“Attempts to Clear People Off the Streets is Having No Effect” in Egypt

January 28, 2011

I’ve been glued to my computer screen and speakers listening to the news from Egypt. There has been a growing social movement the last few days that has erupted into a “leader-less” nationwide popular struggle demanding:
-The downfall of the regime of Hosni Mubarak and his ministers.
-The cessation of the Emergency Law
-The formation of a new, non-military government with the interests of the Egyptian people at heart.
-The constructive administration of all of Egypt’s resources.
Al Jazeera has a livestreaming video that can be see at:
Al Jazeera.
In preparation for the Friday protests against the 30 year rule of Mubarak, protesters created a primer for demonstrating in the streets. The Atlantic has published some pages, with English translation, on its website. The primer looks similar to many “how-to” demonstration pamphlets produced for the Anti-globalization demonstrations of the 90’s and early 2000’s. If anyone has any access to physical or digital copies of these pamphlets, please contact us- blog (at)

It’s an incredible manifestation of the human will for freedom, led by the people. It will be interesting to see how politics and ideology will shape the course of the movement. I found the government control of the internet to be an incredible use of state power, yet tactically inefficient illustrated by the mobilizations all around Egypt today.

Egyptian Government Blocks Internet Access:
When Egypt turned off the internet
Egypt Cuts Off Most Internet and Cell Service
There have been some really good displays of journalistic persistence by Al Jazeera reporters asserting and reiterating their questions to USA State Department officials. Below is an example.

Here is another discussion held before Friday’s demonstrations:
What will the West do?
I have so many questions and thoughts about the unraveling of these events, yet not enough distance and focus to assess them. I’ll try and update this post as I encounter new information.

Culture & MediaGlobal SolidarityInspiration


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