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Art & Politics

This channel is a bit of a catch all, since so much of what we do and are interested in over here in Justseeds engages in some way with both art and politics.
Justseeds on Creative Commons

Justseeds on Creative Commons

March 10, 2017

The people at Creative Commons do good work- promoting a healthy relationship to copyright and intellectual property, and working to ensure that a public domain stays public in the most…

Art Build Techniques for Protest

Art Build Techniques for Protest

January 6, 2017

Bay-Area arts organizer David Solnit has been making art for protest movements for decades, and has established a practice of simple, reliable techniques for amplifying messages in the streets. I’ve…

Certain Days 2017

Certain Days 2017

August 31, 2016

2017 sees the release of the 16th annual Certain Days Freedom for Political Prisoners calendar. Many Justseeds’ artists have contributed art to the calendar over the years, this year includes…

Solidarity with Standing Rock

Solidarity with Standing Rock

August 25, 2016

Standing in solidarity with Standing Rock and the struggle to stop the building of the Dakota Access Pipeline. #noDAPL #standingwithStandingRock #WaterIsLife #Rezpect We are selling a limited number of posters…

Signal:05 Out Now!

Signal:05 Out Now!

August 2, 2016

Alec and I are very excited that our latest issue of Signal is back from the printer and available here on Justseeds! We made a little promotional animation/video, and hope…