QUEER HEARTACHE: a poetry tour
TOUR Join award-winning queer Asian-American poets, Kit Yan and Jess X. Chen (justseeds artist) on the Queer Heartache Summer Tour. Combining oceanic laughter, the violence of heartbreak, and the sorrow lost…
TOUR Join award-winning queer Asian-American poets, Kit Yan and Jess X. Chen (justseeds artist) on the Queer Heartache Summer Tour. Combining oceanic laughter, the violence of heartbreak, and the sorrow lost…
The eighth of the Endangered Species Murals is now complete! I’ve just returned to Portland from Knoxville, Tennessee, after finishing up the largest mural I have ever had the pleasure…
At the end of March I was contacted by Aaron Huey of the Amplifier Foundation about participating in a project he was putting together—an experiment in mass production and distribution…
Juneteenth is a holiday that commemorates the announcement of the abolition of slavery in Texas in June 1865, now celebrated, more generally as the emancipation of African American slaves, on…
In 2011 Justseeds traveled to Ljubljana, Slovenia to create a collaborative installation for the 29th Graphic Arts Biennial. During our visit there we became familiar with various projects and fellow…
I’m sending care and love on behalf of justseeds toward the queer&trans migrant warriors and families that lost their lives this morning in Orlando and the LGBTQ community at large,…
The We are the Storm portfolio will be on display at the Energy Fair in Custer, WI (June 17-19, 2016). Come check it out and say hi. A little bit…
I’m staffing Interference Archive today and listening to an archived episode of DJ Devon E. Levins’ Morricone Island. It’s a really great show called “The Greatest Soundtrack Tribute,” with a…
I’ve collaborated, with my pal Alexander Dwinell, on an installation for the final exhibition at ABC No Rio. The current building at 156 Rivington St will be torn down in…
Between the months of April and May of this year we(Kill Joy, Stinkfish and Mazatl) had the pleasure of being in Honduras for four weeks to work on the first…
@notorious_t_0_m saw our work on the subway and advised "stop the spread of trump!" @realdonaldtrump #SubwayTrumpStickers #streetart #donaldtrump #nyc #makeamericagreatagain #gofuckyourself A photo posted by Major Bigtime (@majorbigtime) on May…
I’m excited to be headed to Lawrence, KS tomorrow to talk at the launch of the Kansas People’s History Project, a new poster endeavor loosely modeled on my Celebrate People’s…
I was invited to be the artist in residence for the Telluride #MountainFilmFestival (#mfilm2016). With assistance from several Telluride rock stars “What we do to the mountain we do to…
Dump Hillary War Criminal. Long island City, Queens. May 8, 2016. Plenty of graffiti and street art being produced this primary election cycle. This was painted in the shadow of…
On West 91st Street in Manhattan, down the street from where my friend lives, is a herd of serene stone llamas, or yaks, or horses, I’m not sure, fat and…
This week, we take a look at the tens of thousands of migrants tapped in limbo in Europe, facing down the prospect of being deported back to the war zones…
Let Them Eat Reality Bed-Stuy Brooklyn. April 23, 2016 Written on the construction wall at the former site of Cascade Laundry across the street from the Marcy Projects. Most people…
Interference Archive is included in the current exhibition Agitprop! in the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art at the Brooklyn Museum. I have to say that the show is…
It’s the 21st year of the Bay Area Anarchist bookfair, an annual gathering of publishers, thinkers, and actors on the theme of making this society, and all societies, free. If…
It’s a Justseeds art explosion in the art-build space above Company Brewing in Milwaukee’s Riverwest neighborhood for the next three days. Justseeds artists Paul Kjelland, Pete Railand, Nicolas Lampert and…