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Books & Zines

A channel dedicated to publishing and printed ephemera. Here is where we post about all things book, zine, pamphlet, newspaper, and more.
Rivet #4

Rivet #4

July 13, 2009

Jared Davidson/Garage Collective has put out possibly his last issue of Rivet, a journal o art and anarchism. Jared has been at the center of a number of political debates…

The Big Dance

The Big Dance

July 3, 2009

I used to play in a park across the street from the county jail while growing up. I vividly remember (when I was really young) heavily armed policeman guarding those…

What If? online

What If? online

June 26, 2009

What If? A Journal of Radical Possibilities was a short running journal that started coming out soon after the WTO protests in Seattle 1999, and ran for a number of…

Art Front

Art Front

June 23, 2009

Marc Moscato just sent me a link to a great post he put up on his blog Whittlin’ Away. It’s on Art Front, a 1930s radical art publication from the…

Overspray #9

Overspray #9

April 18, 2009

If you look beyond the cover (with the image of the politician everyone has already forgotten about, I honestly can’t even remember her name right now…), the new issue of…

Big Box Reuse

Big Box Reuse

November 19, 2008

My friend Julia Christensen has been hard at work for years photographing and documenting what happens to giant big box walmarts and other monstrosities once they go out of business…

Half Letter Press

Half Letter Press

November 6, 2008

The Chicago-based art collective Temporary Services have just launched a new publishing outfit, Half Letter Press, and a new book, Public Phenomena. Here’s the blurb on the book: It is…

Overspray #8 out now

Overspray #8 out now

September 2, 2008

Overspray number 8 is now available through their store, or in whatever lucky little place you hope to find it! (Many independent bookstores and Barnes & Noble carry it) Overspray…

<em>Nowtopia</em> review online

Nowtopia review online

May 15, 2008

Erick Lyle recently wrote a great piece on Chris Carlsson’s new book Nowtopia for the SF Bay Guardian. Check it out. I haven’t had a chance to read the book…