For the 9th year the Chicago Anarchist Film Festival will present a sample
of films from mainstream sources, rediscovered classics and the works of
filmmakers engaged in social change with an anarchist vision. Most media
of all types launch attacks that distort, discredit and deny anarchists
entirely. Anarchists and their allies respond with a relentless volley of
images and stories that reveal, revive and invigorate a rich anarchist
presence in society.
Chicago Anarchist Film Festival organizers seek un- and under-distributed
films and videos to include in the 2009 Chicago Anarchist Film Festival.
We also welcome suggestions for titles that may inadvertently allow
anarchy to seep through the cracks of the status quo. Movie collage, music
videos and trailers for works-in-progress will also be considered.
Deadline- April 1, 2009
All entries must be submitted with an entry form. A contributors statement
and any promotional material is appreciated. Please also indicate if you
are available and interested in attending the festival.
Submissions should be DVD (2 copies, any zone) or vhs (pal or ntsc). It
may be possible to screen 16mm as well, but we need video for purpose of
review. Selection is based on time allocation, relevance, quality and
resonance. There are no rewards or prizes beyond our invaluable
appreciation and heartfelt thanks, but we will be collecting audience
feedback which can be provided to contributors on request. All entrants
will be updated on the status of their submissions. We ask the
contributions be made with the anarchist spirit of community and
celebration with which they will be received. Solidarity!
Shipping costs are the responsibility of the entrants. Videos will be
returned upon request. To ensure prompt return of material, please enclose
$3 per submission. Otherwise material submitted to the festival will be
donated to a suitable community recipient.
Chicago Anarchist Film Festival (CAFF)
1321 N Milwaukee Ave #453, Chicago IL 60642
Entry form
Contributor, if different
Completion date
Release date, if different
Production format vhs dvd 8mm 16mm 35mm other…..
Public screenings
Genre doc drama archival/found animation other…
City state zip
This film is available by purchase from…. Rental from Netflix …
Viewing on
Youtube….loan from… Other….