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Crimethinc re-releases DIY guides

September 21, 2005

Crimethinc, those dreamy utopian anarcho-poets, have reprinted two excellent zines full of tips and information on graffiti and a whole lot more:

The Walls Are Alive: A concise and masterfully conceived introduction to doing your own graffiti. It consists of practical and thorough advice on every step of getting your graffiti skills primed: preparation, how to make a stencil, mapping it out, strategy, escape, post-action regrouping, and also a whole section about wheat-pasting. Valuable also for its forty photographs of great real-world graffiti to ignite ideas and provide examples.
DIY Guide #2: This rugged little urban pirate handbook includes practical information and tips on tons of different projects, tasks and adventures: dismantling capitalism, forearm guards, software piracy, diy spelling and grammar, travelling on trains, backpacking, evasion communiqué #2.25, herbal gynecology, how to abort, sewing, diy oil change, quarter pipe, records, cd’s and zines, book publishing contacts, postal jubilation, cook it yourself, wheat flour egg noodles, intro to plaster, black and white photography, safety pin tattoos.

The graffiti zine is especially good, and has inspired innumerable young punks to cook up their first bucket of wheatpaste. The Crimethinc kids do an admirable job of distributing huge numbers of free zines & posters. You can help them out by ordering a bundle and getting the word out.


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