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George Floyd

Sugeily Rodriguez Lebrón

We want to express our solidarity with the recent peoples’ uprising in Minneapolis. We recognize this as a moment of collective grief, deep loss and profoundly justified anger. We stand against racist police, a criminal “justice” system which holds zero accountability for the actions of police and is embedded in white supremacy. We know we need a different kind of justice. One that is rooted in community wisdom, its needs and values.

We stand in solidarity with the family of George Floyd. We stand in solidarity with Breonna Taylor’s family. We stand in solidarity with the family of our trans sibling, Tony McDade. We stand in solidarity with the family of Ahmaud Arbery.

May they rest in Power. May they rest in Love.

“The mandate for Black people in this time is to avenge the suffering of our ancestors, to earn the respect of future generations, and be willing to be transformed in the service of the work” -Mary Hooks @maryhooks Codirector of @ignitekindred

Art by @sugeilyrodriguez.lebron for @agitarte_cultural_works.


A portrait of George Floyd made in a painted style using muted orange, yellow and browns. In the bust of Mr. Floyd is a montage of protestors wearing face masks and carrying signs, like “ABOLISH POLICE”, “NO JUSTICE NO PEACE,” and “OUR BREATH IS SACRED.” Above him is written (in handwritten bold text and curving lines) the Mary Hooks quote which is quoted above.

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