Posters I made to commemorate the life of our comrade, Jen Angel, included in this tribute to her on our blog. Designed using fonts from the Justseeds Open Type Project #10 and #9.

A photograph of Jen Angel smiling and looking toward the viewer. She wears a knitted scarf and sunglasses perched on her head. The picture is red with a halftone pattern. Black text in quotes states: “We don’t ask anyone to organize for us, we organize for ourselves!” Larger text below states: “Jen Angel, January 28, 1975 – February 9, 2023.
A photograph of Jen Angel smiling and looking toward the viewer. The picture is red with a halftone pattern. Black text in quotes states: “The core tenets of anarchism are autonomy, mutual aid, voluntary association, and direct action. These are all positive things.” Larger text below states: “Jen Angel, January 28, 1975 – February 9, 2023.”