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Justicia Para Berta

Genevieve Roudané

¡Justicia Para Berta by Genevieve Roudané!

“Yo sabía que ibamos a triunfar, me lo dijo el río.”
“I knew we would triumph, the river told me so.”

Berta Cáceres was an Indigenous and environmental activist in Honduras. She was murdered at her home on March 4, 2016. You cannot kill Indigenous resistance and movements for ecological justice.

Check out our International Womens Day blog post, for more info about Berta.


A painterly portrait of Berta Cáceres showing her smiling, looking at the viewer, with blue-tinted hair and a green background of rolling hills and a rising sun. Upon her warm yellow shirt, the quotation: “Yo sabía que ibamos a triunfar, me lo dijo el río.” #JusticiaParaBerta.

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