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Keep Your Country Free of Hate

This image is a riff on the anti-fascist graphic of the Keep Clean symbol with a swastika being tossed into the garbage that is plastered all over Europe and is iconic within the international DIY punk rock sub culture. My image replaces one image of hate and racism with another one – a Trump 2016 campaign sign. I made this image the day after thousands of people in Chicago shut down a Trump rally at UIC on March 11, 2016. The image is creative commons. Share at will. The graphic can be made into signs, posters, shirts, stickers.. Anything to help stop Trump and the rise of fascism and racism. Credit the image to NL /


The iconic image of the municipal anti-littering sign featuring a simple icon of a person with a circle for a head and triangular pointy limbs, throwing away a piece of trash into a trash can. The garbage in question here, however, is a “Trump. Make America Great Again” sign. Large text in white against black above states: “KEEP YOUR COUNTRY FREE OF HATE.”

How an Artist Can Save Lives

How an Artist Can Save Lives

January 26, 2025

Libre Gutierrez interviewed by Tyce Vande Berg, December 2024 Transportapueblos, Companion of Migrants (images courtesy Libre Gutierrez) Libre Gutierrez is a sculptor, muralist, and community activist born in Tijuana, Mexico…

Art to End Fossil Fuels

Art to End Fossil Fuels

September 12, 2023

Justseeds friend David Solnit shared this project and video about a climate justice poster project that is timed with the September climate mobilizations and march planned for New York City…