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Royal Chicano Air Force: Social Practice? Been There. Doing That!

When making this design Eric J. Garcia referenced Galería de la Raza, an interdisciplinary Chicano/Latino space for art, thought and activism. In a description of the Royal Chicano Air Force on the Galería de la Raza it notes,

The Royal Chicano Air Force (RCAF) is an artistic collective based in Sacramento. Initially named the Rebel Chicano Art Front, the RCAF was founded in 1969 to express the goals of the Chicano civil rights and labor organizing movement of the United Farm Workers. Its mission was to make available to the Chicano community a bilingual/bicultural arts center where artists could come together, exchange ideas, provide mutual support, and make available to the public artistic, cultural, and educational programs and events.

Photograph by Fitzgerald Whitney

Eric J. Garcia blends history, contemporary themes and a graphic style to create politically charged art that reaches beyond aesthetics. To see more of his work and follow him visit his website:

A black and white photograph of a group of people smiling, wearing aviator goggles, hats, and jackets. They hold up a plaque with wings and the letters “R.C.A.F.” In red bold letters, it states: “Social Practice? Been there. Doing that!”