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Ten Years of Leadership

Siri Margerin

This image is from Celebrate People’s History/Iraq Veterans Against the War: Ten Years of Fighting for Peace and Justice, a portfolio that celebrated IVAW’s first ten years and was produced by Justseeds, IVAW, Booklyn, Repetitive Press, and the Civilian Soldier Alliance.

(IVAW is now known as About Face: Veterans Against the War)

Pictured are ten people who have been instrumental in creating and guiding IVAW over the past ten years. These people and the others named are examples of women leaders and other leaders who do not identify themselves in the gender binary. Their stories are an integral part of the history of IVAW’s first decade and an example to all.

Siri Margerin is a member of Civilian-Soldier Alliance, artist, and organizer living and working in San Francisco. After twenty years in animation the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan tipped her into organizing full time in the struggle for peace and justice. She is a co-organizer of Celebrate People’s History: Iraq Veterans Against the War.

A dark blue and moss green montage of several  women and femme-presenting people. Some wear Iraq Veterans Against the War and ‘Support GI Resistance’ t-shirts. Others wear military issue jackets. A large sea of names is featured in the background, however the names of those depicted are as follows: “Chantelle Bateman, Joyce Wagner, Diana Morrison, Maggie Martin, Kelly Dougherty, Margaret Stevens, Jenn Hogg, Amadee Braxton, Lovella Calica, Robynn Murray.”

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