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Ten Years of Resistance

Siri Margerin

This image is from Celebrate People’s History/Iraq Veterans Against the War: Ten Years of Fighting for Peace and Justice, a portfolio that celebrated IVAW’s first ten years and was produced by Justseeds, IVAW, Booklyn, Repetitive Press, and the Civilian Soldier Alliance.

(IVAW is now known as About Face: Veterans Against the War)

Ten resisters to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan span the poster, standing in for all those who have resisted these wars in the last ten years. Their actions inspire us and spur us on. They were not alone; there were thousands more. Look them up, learn their stories. Our history of this decade (2004-2014) needs to be celebrated and remembered.

Siri Margerin is a member of Civilian-Soldier Alliance, artist, and organizer living and working in San Francisco. After twenty years in animation the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan tipped her into organizing full time in the struggle for peace and justice. She is a co-organizer of Celebrate People’s History: Iraq Veterans Against the War.


A line of about ten people are standing, speaking into microphones, smiling, some wearing military clothes. Their names are written next to them: Aidan Delgado, Kevin Benderman, Camilo Mejia, Kyle Snyder, Victor Agosto, Andre Shepherd, Agustín Aguayo, Stephen Funk, Eugene Cherry, Suzanne Swift. Above them, in black text against a yellow background the words, “Iraq Veterans Against The War, Ten Years of Resistance.” Small text below states, “Iraq Veterns Against the War was founded in 2004 by members from the first wave of troops to return from Iraq, sickened, but mobilized by what they experienced there. A decade has passed with IVAW urgently supporting GI and veteran resistance to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Resistance has many faces. Thousands of troops went AWOL. Hundreds went to Canada, many went to jail. Thousands across the country joined IVAW, speaking out and organizing against the wars in their home communities. The ten veterans above set a stirring example, and represent for many more. They connect us to past struggles and lay the path for future resistance to war and militarism. Support. Resist. Celebrate.”

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