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Youth Climate Activist – Xiye Bastida

Social Justice Art Teacher

“The youth movement has definitely become my home for the past year. And in homes, sometimes people argue and disagree. But that doesn’t mean that we aren’t together under the same roof.”

Xiye Bastida (b. 2002, @xiyebastida) is a Mexican-Chilean climate activist and a member of the Otomi-Toltec nation. She organizes Fridays for Future New York City and serves on on the administration committee of the People’s Climate Movement and a member of Sunrise Movement and Extinction Rebellion.


A soft watercolor of a young woman in a window in pinks and greens. She has long black hair and hoop earrings. She rests her head on her hand as a butterfly lands nearby. Green leaves peep out of the window. Text in bold dark blue is same as quote above. 

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