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US War Resisters in Canada 2004 to 2014

Siri Margerin

This image is from Celebrate People’s History/Iraq Veterans Against the War: Ten Years of Fighting for Peace and Justice, a portfolio that celebrated IVAW’s first ten years and was produced by Justseeds, IVAW, Booklyn, Repetitive Press, and the Civilian Soldier Alliance.

(IVAW is now known as About Face: Veterans Against the War)

Over the years many U.S. war resisters fled to Canada to avoid participating in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. This poster remembers them and their willingness to go into exile rather than do more harm in illegal and immoral wars and occupations. They were supported by generous and committed Canadian and American allies.

Siri Margerin is a member of Civilian-Soldier Alliance, artist, and organizer living and working in San Francisco. After twenty years in animation the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan tipped her into organizing full time in the struggle for peace and justice. She is a co-organizer of Celebrate People’s History: Iraq Veterans Against the War.


Against a light blue background is the black silhouette of the map of Canada and the U.S. The area of Canada, however, is light gray and many names are placed over it: “Cliff Cornell, Brandon Hughey, Chuck Wiley, Jules Tindungan, Jeremy Brockway, Jeremy Hinzman, Joshua Key, Robin Long, Tim Richard, Kimberly Rivera, Skyler James, Aslan Lamarche, Rodney Watson, Corey Glass, Dean Walcott, Matt Lowell, Daniel Sandate, Darrell Anderson, Phil McDowell, James Burmeister, Justin Colby, Dan Felushko, Patrick Hart, Kyle Snyder, James Stepp, Kevin Lane, Christian Kjar, Dale Landry, Steve Yoczik, Brad McColl, Peter Jemly, David Sanders, Chris Vassey, Ryan Johnson.” Over the area of the U.S., a symbol of the Fallen Soldier, or Battlefield Cross, is featured. It is a vertical rifle stuck into the ground with a helmet hung on top. Text to the side states, “U.S. War Resisters In Canada 2004-2014.”


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