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War Study Papers

Imin Yeh

Image by Imin Yeh.

Migration Now! was a 2012 print portfolio co-produced by Justseeds and CultureStrike (CultureStrike is now part of the Center for Cultural Power) which explored the social, cultural, and emotional facets of immigration.

Imin Yeh works in the mediums of woodcuts, screen-prints, and downloadable craft projects to create large-scale installations and interactive artworks. She has exhibited recently at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, the San Jose Museum of Art, the Asian Art Museum, the Mission Cultural Center, Southern Exposure, Incline Gallery, and the San Francisco Arts Commission Gallery.

Yeh’s print is a migration pattern of the last three generations of her family, mapping their need and their ability to flee from a war, pursue educational opportunities, and ultimately be closer to family. The print is a meditation about the richness of the artist’s own life because of the risks and choices her family made across three countries and three generations. It is also reflective of how these decisions and opportunities are being denied to migrant communities today. The background text is inspired by a folktale of her family name, Yeh. In Chinese this means “leaf” and the tale says that all people with the Yeh name came from one village at one time; they are unique leaves from a  tree that only grows there. These leaves fly all over the world, but they have all come from one place.

This page is currently a placeholder while we to track down the original high-res files of the images from this portfolio (06/2020)

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