One of the organizations, RAMPS, represented in our new portfolio We Are the Storm is fundraising to continue their efforts.
Check out their campaign, support if you’re able, share cos you can! Depending on the quantity of your contribution, you could receive a copy of Justseeds member Bec Young’s printed design as a “gift’!
RAMPS’s mission is best described by our name: we believe in Radical Action for Mountains’ and People’s Survival. We are a small dedicated group of unpaid organizers, operating on minimal expenses, and many of us make RAMPS our full-time commitment. We started in January 2011 as a nonviolent direct action campaign to end mountaintop removal (MTR). Over the past three years, we’ve expanded our vision. While we still confront the coal industry and intervene to make mining less profitable, we view this as part of our long-term community work: we take action to provide safe drinking water; we support and advocate for prisoners and amplify their voices; we work with our neighbors to foster resilience and leadership in local youth; and we talk about racism, sexism, homophobia, class conflict, capitalism, and colonialism in a place where few others do. All of this is Radical Action for Mountains’ and People’s Survival.
As we approach our five-year anniversary, RAMPS has a tremendous opportunity to deepen our roots in the Coal River Valley—we are buying a campaign house!
This new campaign house is a big step for us. Since RAMPS’s inception, a major impediment to our organizing and growth has been the lack of a home base with adequate housing and work space. For years we have lived and worked out of a crumbling one-room former post-office building in Whitesville. After 5 years making do, we will finally have a building that will enable our work to grow and thrive.