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Inaugurating Resistance Propaganda Party and Art Call-Out

December 25, 2016

Post-Election Organizing: Call for Art & Designs

Interference Archive is hosting a propaganda party on the weekend of January 14/15 to produce and disseminate artistic material to be used during the counter-inauguration actions. We are looking for poster and sticker designs we can reproduce both digitally and physically, all artists are encouraged to participate!

We are actively fundraising, and hope to be able to produce at least 2 large-scale poster runs and a couple different sticker designs. Other designs will be hosted on the Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative website and available for download. ( The more money we can raise, the more agitprop we can produce. If you know anyone who might be interested in investing in this, please let us know!

What we need:

—11”x17” (1 or 2 color) poster designs
—18”x24” (black and white or full color) poster designs
—Imagery for stickers
—We will also be doing live-screen-printing, and are looking for designs to use for that

When we need it:
We need all art by January 3rd in order to have time to produce materials for distribution on the 14th/15th

What we don’t want:
We will be avoiding all art with an explicit focus on Trump and his catchphrases. The more we represent him—no matter in what light—the more we re-inscribe him with power. Instead, focus on graphics that support the social movements that existed before Trump and will be fighting to exist after he is long gone.

Where we need it:
High-res (300dpi) files of designs can be sent to:

What is a propaganda party? It’s where we invite dozens of organizations, activists, designers, and artists producing materials around a political issue to hang out, meet each other, and distribute their flyers, stickers, posters, buttons, and more. We will have at least a dozen different posters. All propaganda is FREE, and we encourage all to come by, grab a drink, screen print a shirt and load up on as many posters and stickers they can carry. All remaining materials will be sent to Washington DC to be distributed to inauguration protestors.

Let’s create an undeniable visual landscape of resistance together!

Propaganda Party Organizing Committee
Interference Archive, 131 8th Street No. 4, Brooklyn, NY 11215

Inaugurating Resistance Propaganda Party and Distribution Depot for Inauguration-related Protest

Interference Archive, January 14–15, 2017

What is a propaganda party? It’s where we invite dozens of organizations, activists, designers, and artists producing materials around a political issue to hang out, meet each other, and distribute their flyers, stickers, posters, buttons, and more. All propaganda is FREE, and we encourage all to come by, grab a drink, and load up on as many posters and stickers they can carry. This next installment of our Propaganda Party is centered around the fallout from the election and upcoming protests around the presidential inauguration.

At our first two parties, we had over 100 people come through each, many who would never have come to a more-intensive meeting or talk around the specific subjects. For this one we want to expand our reach from individuals to groups, and encourage representatives from socially engaged spaces around New York City to swing by on the weekend of January 14–15 and (a) drop off copies of materials people in their communities are distributing, and (b) pick up piles of posters and stickers to further distribute out of their spaces.

We are partnering with Print.Organize.Protest, the Disrict 13 house in DC, the Amplifier Foundation, and are working on additional relationships. We will have, at a minimum, a dozen different poster designs and likely as many stickers, all for mass distribution. All materials that are not distributed in NYC will be sent to DC with people heading down to the protests there. Nothing will be wasted!

Please let us know (email: if your organization wants to get involved, either by bringing material to the party to be distributed, or to become a further distribution point (i.e. pick up materials to bring back to and distribute from your space).


Propaganda Party Organizing Committee
Interference Archive, 131 8th Street No. 4, Brooklyn, NY 11215

AnarchismAnti-capitalismAnti-warCulture & MediaEnvironment & ClimateFeminisms & GenderHealthHousing & CitiesIndigenous ResistanceMigrationPolice & PrisonsQueer LiberationRacial JusticeSocial Movements

2 comments on “Inaugurating Resistance Propaganda Party and Art Call-Out”

Great idea!
But using the word “propaganda” is a mistake. Leave the propoganda to despots. What we need is protest art.
The word propoganda has to do with disinformation. As in: Nazi propoganda.
“information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
“he was charged with distributing enemy propaganda”
synonyms: information, promotion, advertising, publicity, spin; disinformation, counter-information; historicalagitprop; informalinfo, hype, plugging; puff piece; the big lie
“the prophetic novel is about a government that controls the masses by spreading propaganda”

I have a GREAT piece of political art and am wondering what current Art Calls I might submit to.

thanks for your assistance,
Susan “sparky” Kedzie



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