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Join Justseeds CSA Dec 1-7th and get a $15 gift card!

December 1, 2015

It’s not too late to sign up for a Justseeds Community Supported Art membership for 2016! CSA members will have three freshly designed prints on the theme of Love and Justice shipped to their house in January, April, July, and October. Anyone who subscribes in the first week of December will receive a free $15 gift card to  The gift card can be used by the subscriber or given away as a gift. Thanks for your support of  socially and environmentally engaged art and artists.

To become a member join here

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Posts by Pete Railand

A Time of Expectant Hopes

A Time of Expectant Hopes

October 24, 2019

“A Time of Expectant Hopes,” a collaboration between Pete Railand and Jenna Valoe, including works inspired by 19th century union banners, suffragist banners, and modern day activist banners. Opening Friday…

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