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3 comments on “Justseeds Resourced Exhibition Review”

Good to see a review on the RESOURCED portfolio. That said it would have been good had the reviewer, Greg Cook, actually thought about the work and interviewed Justseeds’ artists to learn about the finer details of the project and it’s overall mission.
Unfortunately Cook’s review is a list of the images he likes and those he does not with no mention about the content or the campaigns behind the work. Reviews based solely on aesthetic interests are not helpful to anyone.
His quote “Great political posters grab our hearts and make the politics involved look cool” is arguably the most hare-brained statement about art and politics that I have read in a long, long time. That takes some doing. Hopefully some critical reviews will surface in the months and years to come as the portfolio continues to be exhibited and utilized around the world.

umm, sour grapes? I also wish Greg could have been a bit more specific with his critique, but I really appreciate that he took the time to review the portfolio and show! He walked into an art show of our portfolio, and as such, it should speak for itself. (i.e. the idea that he should have interviewed us seems a little much, esp. when there is so little space left for discussions about art in free weeklies, and he likely only got a short word count). The fact that some of the work didn’t explain itself well simply says we need to keep trying and work harder.
I actually generally agree with his assessment of political posters. In a time when we are constantly bombarded with visual information, a great poster stops us, hopefully touches us both intellectually and emotionally, and makes us want to associate with the issue it raises. This is a lot to accomplish with a single image, and by themselves, there is little more posters can do.

Maybe a touch of sour grapes.
I do appreciate any and all reviews and understand a limited word count so quotes from the artists who created and organized the project may have been unreasonable, but the reporter might have learned more about the complexities of the project with a few phone calls to the artists regardless if the quotes appeared or not. For all I know he might have talked in depth with Meredith so I am only speculating.
I do agree that graphics can and should speak for themselves so that alone is a good argument for Justseeds to carefully critique our work to make the strongest portfolios and graphics for movements as possible.
That said, I am against the “making graphics / movements look cool” as a set formula for a successful political poster.
Each graphic and movement demands different strategies. Arguably the most famous political poster of the second half of the 20th Century was the AWC “My Lai” poster and there is nothing “cool” about that image. It was about exposing a horrific act with a horrific image. Perhaps another way of reaching people on an emotional level.

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